The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep

Our 5 month non-biased test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime.

I never ever thought I’d give a hoot about a light bulb. But what do ya know… there’s a first time for everything, I guess.

A few weeks ago, during one of my random Instagram Story pop-ins, someone sent me a message asking what light bulbs I liked the best. Total randomness. And my first thought was, “Um… bright ones?” *shrug*

But then I remembered about this cool sleep-promoting light bulb I decided to give a whirl a few months ago and plum forgot to share… because who thinks about light bulbs, seriously???

(This isn’t a sponsored post. It’s just a cool thing I’ve discovered that I thought I could pass along if sleep is a struggle for you or your family. But I have included an affiliate link, FYI. Full disclosure here.)

The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

We’ve come very accustomed to “the witching hour” with our kids, middle of the night feedings, sleep regressions, 2 am growing pains, and 3 am diaper changes… ALLLLL that fun stuff.

And every time, I find myself saying a silent prayer in my head, “Please go to sleep. Please go to sleep. For the love of everything that is pure and holy, I will give up chocolate for a month if this kid will just go to sleep.”

So we put these sleep promoting light bulbs in our kids’ bedroom lamps to create a warm, soothing ambience, and I’m totally convinced they help them both drift off to sleep more easily.

If you’ve never heard of them, they’re blue wavelength blocking light bulbs that support your body’s natural melatonin production (which is a hormone necessary for sleep). Blue light emission is the reason why so many sleep experts say to cut out screen time at least an hour before bed to help your body start winding down and tapping into your natural Circadian rhythm.

The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

Robert or I read to Olivia at bedtime with all of the lights off except for her bedside lamp with the sleep light bulb, and it calms her hyper little self down.

And part of our bedtime routine with Regan is usually me rocking her in the glider in her nursery while I sing lullabies and feed her to help her settle into a drowsy state. I always have this little lamp on during our snuggle time to keep her slightly awake but sleepy so that she learns to self-soothe in her crib.

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The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

So far, it has worked like a charm.

If we ever have to turn on a lamp in the middle of the night to find a pacifier or change a diaper, the bulbs don’t startle her wide awake like the overhead light does.

The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

And even though this particular one we use is marketed for babies and kids, I’ve read up about adults with insomnia using it successfully too.

The Best Bedroom Light Bulb to Promote Sleep | Our non-biased 5 month test drive of sleep promoting light bulbs and how they help settle children, babies, and adults for bedtime. #babysleep #insomnia #lightbulb #lighting #ambience #bedroomlight #kidsbedtime #sleepsolutions

It’s $19 on Amazon, and at first, I was not down with that price tag because that’s totally crazy. But it’s been totally worth it for us (if it means I get more sleep, please take my money). So far, we’re going on 5 months of use without a flicker, and they have a 2 year warranty.

So there ya go. A little post about something as insignificant as a light bulb that really ended up being pretty significant after all, much to my surprise.

I hope it helps y’all, if anything. 🙂

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  1. I have the worst insomnia you could ever even believe is possible. I go DAYS not sleeping – have no idea how I am still alive most days to be honest. I am sooooo looking into this, and maybe buy one for my little 2 year old grand daughter. Thanks, Lauren. The info is very much appreciated – and the beautiful photos just so lovely,

    Love your blog!

  2. Hey Lauren! Where did you get your rocker/glider and ottoman? I’m currently getting a nursery ready for our 2nd little one (due in less than 10 weeks!) and I’ve been on the hunt for an affordable one very much like the one you have. Thanks so much!