Fall Porch DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S’mores Table

Step-by-step tutorials to make a DIY outdoor movie theater and s’mores station from a coffee table + fall outdoor decorating ideas.

This has officially been the year of creativity! And silver linings too apparently.

Gotta stay at home? Paint a room. Want to celebrate a birthday? Have a drive-by parade. Want to go to the movie theater? Make one in your own backyard.

It’s been a tough few months for sure, and at the same time, I can’t help but be amazed at the creative projects and ideas that have come out of this.

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

Robert and I realized we were missing the movie theater big time and decided, with the fall weather temps being absolutely gorgeous and the days getting shorter lately, that we would make one on our back porch by rigging a few things together from the Better Homes & Gardens line at Walmart for a DIY movie screen and DIY s’mores table.

DIY S’mores Table

Supplies Used:

  • Coffee table (You could really use any wooden outdoor coffee table. This one isn’t meant to be outdoors specifically, but since it’ll stay under a covered porch, it should hold up fine.)
  • Tape measure and pencil
  • Fire bowl
  • Drill with hole bit
  • 1 gallon propane tank
  • Roasting skewers & your favorite s’mores ingredients, of course 😉

The Steps:

1. Use a tape measure to find the very center of the table and mark that spot.

DIY S'mores Table

2. Drill a hole into the spot using the hole bit.

How to make a s'mores table

3. Place the base of the fire bowl into the hole.

How to make a s'mores table

4. Screw in the propane tank from underneath and enjoy!

DIY S'mores Table

For some of the goodies on the tabletop, we used these copper mugs for fresh local cider. And I love this white ceramic popcorn bowl that holds two entire regular sized microwave popcorn bags.

Copper mugs, popcorn, and fire bowl

I think this melamine tray with bowls is actually meant for chips and dip, but it makes the perfect little spread for s’mores ingredients.

DIY S'mores Table

DIY Outdoor Movie Theater Screen

Supplies Used:

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen Supplies

The Steps:

1. Spread out the shower curtain liner on the floor and use a tape measure to mark the dimensions you want for your screen.

how to make an outdoor movie screen

2. Trim the shower curtain with fabric scissors.

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3. Drive an eyelet into each corner of the shower curtain with a hammer and anvil from the eyelet kit.

DIY outdoor movie screen from a shower curtain liner

4. Secure each corner of the shower curtain with a bungee cord around porch posts. (You could even make posts in your yard or on a patio using this string light pole method we used in our last house.)

How to make an outdoor movie screen with a shower curtain

5. Stretch the shower curtain until wrinkles are mostly smoothed out. Then hook up a projector and enjoy a movie in the fresh air!

Since the shower curtain liner is waterproof it can hang out here in the rain without a problem. And it was less than $30 to make!

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

We really didn’t add much to the rest of the space (and this old patio set that we’ve had for years). Just a few cozy throw pillows and blankets to keep warm on chilly evenings and that’s it.

Fall outdoor decor and back porch

fall outdoor decor and back porch

And of course string lights and lanterns… because that’s always the recipe for instant outdoor magic.

To spiff up the movie screen, I placed a couple of mums and pumpkins from the Walmart garden center. Now if only I remember to water those flowers. 😉 Who wants to place bets on how long they survive with me as their plant mama?

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

It really does feel like a total escape out here, and I’m wondering why we didn’t think to do this sooner.

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

I’m pretty sure we’re going to live out here now because I envision slumber parties and creepy Halloween movie showings from here on out.

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

If you want to know about any of the sources we used, you can find them all here:

Do you know what movie that is on the screen? It’s one of my favorites of all time. (You can take the English teacher out of the classroom, but you can’t take the classroom out of the English teacher. It’ll always have part of my heart.)

DIY Outdoor Movie Screen and DIY S'mores Table on Fall Back Porch

Do you have any fun outdoor activities you love doing for fall? We’ll take all the ideas we can get right now.

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  1. I’m looking for an outdoor projector; can you recommend one? I love what you did with the fall porch decor, it looks so inviting.

  2. I’ve been wanting to do this 💕 Can you please link your movie projector? I’m afraid to pull the trigger on one because there are so many options and reviews. Afraid to get a bad one. Thank you!!