How to Declutter Your Entire House + Free Printable

How to declutter your entire house without losing your mind, plus tips and a free printable to make the process easier and more efficient.

Nesting has STRUCK, y’all! I’ve been bound and determined these past couple of weeks to declutter every nook and cranny in our house.

To be fair, I always get on a decluttering kick in the spring and fall anyway (there’s just something about the change in weather that does it). So I guess we’ll call this a head start on the season.

Kid's closet - how to declutter without losing your mind

When I first started though, I came up with a system that was centered around one little goal- get rid of 1 bag of clutter a day until the whole house is purged. I don’t even know how it’s possible that we’ve collected so much stuff in a year and a half since our move.

And in the process, I came up with a checklist to set my goal in motion to have every room decluttered by the time Baby Regan arrives in a few weeks.

So if purging your entire house seems way too overwhelming for you, I put it all together in a day-by-day checklist printable as a 28 Day Whole House Declutter Challenge in hopes that it will help ease you into the task.

28 Day Declutter Challenge Checklist

You can download the decluttering checklist printable in my printable library, if you’re already a subscriber (password is at the bottom of every email I send). Or you can sign-up to get access by clicking here or the button below:

28 Day Declutter Challenge Checklist Printable - How to declutter your entire house without losing your mind, plus tips and a free printable to make the process easier and more efficient.

28 Day Declutter Challenge Checklist Printable - How to declutter your entire house without losing your mind, plus tips and a free printable to make the process easier and more efficient.

They say the most efficient way to eat an elephant is with one bite at a time. (Who else is grossed out by the saying?)  When you declutter your house one bite at a time, it doesn’t seem quite so elephant-like, right?

I’ve gotten Olivia and Robert in on the action to sort through their closets and dressers to get rid of any clothes and shoes that don’t fit or need retiring.

How to efficiently declutter a playroom + decluttering checklist printable

Olivia and I sorted through all of her toys in the playroom the other day to donate any she didn’t play with anymore since it was getting to be way too much.

And while we were sorting and organizing her playroom back into shape with her toy basket label system, we had a conversation about how she’s very blessed to have toys because there are so many kids in this world who only get a shoebox of items at Christmas all year long, if they’re even that lucky.

I’m not a super neurotic mom when it comes to keeping spaces super tidy day-to-day, but I do hope doing the decluttering and donating regularly teaches her to appreciate what she has.

I swear, this mommy-ing thing teaches me more and more about being a grown-up every day. 😉

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Toy organization label system for a playroom or kid's room

I’ve mentioned before that I struggle with anxiety sometimes, and hitting this third trimester has kicked it into high gear. I can’t even begin to tell you how much of a weight is lifted when I purge a closet or clean out a cabinet too long neglected.

And when I make it “pretty”, I’m more motivated to keep it that way. This linen closet has continued to look this organized for 7 months now. Gotta be a record breaker!

Organized linen closet + decluttering checklist printable

Doesn’t hurt that it makes us way faster and more efficient in the mornings when we’re rushing around getting ready for school and trying to find things.

Our pantry cabinet is my life-saver for throwing together lunches in hurry.

Organized pantry kitchen cabinet + declutter checklist printable

We still have a few spaces left to tackle like our laundry room that really needs tending…

Real life laundry room

But since Olivia starts Kindergarten today (eep!), it won’t last long. I’m comin’ for ya, crazy corner of chaos.

Organized laundry room + tips for decluttering and free checklist printable

After you’re finished decluttering, if you want to go on a super cleaning spree, you can get my whole house deep cleaning checklist printable here too:

Whole house deep cleaning checklist printable

There’s a good chance I’ll be scrubbing every floor in this place, if this kiddo stays baking past her due date. 😉

Woot woot! Starting this school year off RIGHT!

Do you have any decluttering tips of your own? Or organization discoveries that have helped you in the day-to-day? Share them below! We always can use more around here.

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  1. Could you please share what brand of chalk marker you use on your to buy list? The marker I have does not wipe off my labels all the way, even if if I stick them under water and scrub. Would love to find one that works!
    Thank you for another beautiful post! This is my favorite blog running. So much inspiration!

  2. As soon as my last little chick was packing and leaving the nest I went through every cabinet, drawer, and cupboard in my house and reorganized with just my things. It was so freeing to have all of that space pared down to just what I needed. Decluttering and simple living is very freeing. My basement is next on the list. I store my home, holiday, and craft decor items down there. This will really test my purging resolve. Wish me luck!

    1. My whole house looks like a storage unit, because nothing is set up where it needs to be. I haven’t been long gotten everything out of storage units. Whew! that was expensive. Now, when I have some time I will conquer one box or bag at a time. My basement is storage for several family members, including me. Boy is it packed! Not looking forward to any of this as I am a Senior and not as fast as I used to be. I love being organized. I have OCD so this is very annoying to me if I let it. I just take deep breaths and go on about my business. It’s not the end of the world, it WILL get done eventually. Lord willing!! I don’t even have beds set up. I’ve been sleeping on the couch, which is much softer and better than the floor. My old bones couldn’t handle the floor. Keep me in your prayers. Faye

  3. Perfect timing! Your decluttering list comes at our back-to-school, back-to-a-routine, free-wheelin’-summertiime is-coming-to-an-end time of year! As a retired teacher (who loves visual organizers and lists!), I will be ready to go this fall! You are right about the bit by bit approach! (In teaching, it is called “chunking” and we guide students to use it to tackle large assignments and projects, bit by bit, not all at once!) Thank you!

  4. Your pantry looks beautiful. I wanted to put my dry goods in pretty jars but then worried how I would know expiration dates or bar codes if an item had a recall. How do you handle those circumstances?

    1. You could have a chalkboard label on the backside of the jar to write lot number, expiration, and open dates. Use chalk markers as they have finer tips.
      This is how medical facilities label their open stock, (but not chalkboard), and it also helps with the “first in- first out” rule.
      I hope this helps!
      Hmmm… I really need to start on my cupboards after seeing how nice hers look! ?

    2. tape the info on the bottom of the jar, stays looking pretty but you have what you need to hand.