New Peaceful Art in the Master Bedroom

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood. 

We did a thing. And it involves yummy, moody paint and art from good ol’ Walmart.

I feel like I need to break into a rendition of “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things” all Julie Andrews style on a mountaintop… or were there green damask bedroom curtains involved in that one?


Meet our master bedroom’s new look for not a whole lotta dollas.

UPDATE: See the full bedroom reveal here!

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood + charcoal gray wall paint

I blame this quickie focal wall refresh on the fact that after having baby Regan sleeping in our room for 6 months, this space was starting to feel kind of stale. You know what I mean?

Feeling refreshed in the room you wake up in every single morning is important! I promise you.

There’s something about it that sets the tone for the whole rest of your day. (Hence why the master bathroom got major love earlier this year because the “before” situation was just sad.)

But honestly, I never went into designing our master bedroom with an actual plan, which is so not like me (Type A problems). A couple of years ago, we just hauled in this local clearance furniture we found (I keep searching all over online for its exact source with no luck) and that was about it.

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood

But I always felt like there was something missing behind our bed. I wanted simple, clean, moody and just slightly vintage-y.

So Robert and I finally did something we’ve been thinking about since we moved in: created a focal wall behind our bed with simple, subdued art that gave this space a peaceful vibe.

You can’t get much simpler than these four tree sketches, but that’s what I like about it. Less is more.

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Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood + charcoal gray wall paint

We painted the wall Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal for that moody factor and hung up these art frames from Walmart and so that they would pop perfectly against that deep gray.

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood + charcoal gray wall paint

Mama like! (And side note: I particularly love that palm tree one since it’s a nod to our beloved South Carolina palmetto.)

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood + charcoal gray wall paint

We think it might be even better eventually with some grid molding placed on the wall to frame out the art a bit further and create dimension behind our bed.

If you ever need more peaceful bedroom art ideas, you can check out all of these:

Peaceful Bedroom Art Ideas from Walmart

Simple, minimalist art ideas from Walmart that work perfectly in a bedroom to evoke a peaceful mood + charcoal gray wall paint

UPDATE: Since I’m getting lots of questions on our bedding too, you can find our similar matelasse quilt here and our Euro sham look-alikes here (since our exact bedding is now discontinued).

So curious minds want to know…

Do you have anything hanging above your bed art-wise? Spill in the comments (because just maybe we could use even more advice for the guest bedroom that’s still in the planning phase… yay!)

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  1. So pretty! The darker gray is a lovely contrast to your light colored headboard. Years ago I found a black metal tree sculpture (almost three feet tall and wide) that I hung above our king size bed that also has a black metal headboard. It was from Hobby Lobby on clearance for about $20! Recently I repainted our master bedroom from dusty pink (what was I thinking) to a beautiful sagey green color called Silent Fog (Glidden) and it is so peaceful and calming. Changed the feel of the whole room.

    1. Hi Vicki
      Is your metal tree sculpture black?
      I have a large (it was my mother’s from the 1970’s) wall tree sculpture. It’s the faux gilded bronzey gold plastic that was so popular back then. My mom passed away a year ago, and I want to hang it on my wall. I was thinking to paint it black to look like metal. Just curious what yours looks like.
      Thank you!

  2. These prints look great over your bed, Lauren. I’ve always found decorating over a bed a tough spot and you nailed it.