6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring

Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter’s hibernation mode and wake it up for spring.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

We’ve somehow entirely by accident gotten on a roll with our front porch lately.

First with the DIY wreath on the front door. Then with all of our limewashed brick deets.

And now I’m all “let’s live outside on this porch foreverrrrrr because spring is finally here!!!!”

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

The yard is lookin’ super scruffy still in its winter hangover at the moment, but this little stoop is mighty cute.

Avert your eyes from the weeds and focus on the pretty, ‘kay?

To wrap up The Happy Housie’s Seasonal Simplicity Tour, my blogger friend bunch and I are sharing lots of outdoor spaces and entryways for spring, so I hope it gets you in the decorating mood for the brighter/warmer days ahead. (Their posts are all at the bottom of this one.)

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

And if your porch is still in a winter hangover too, I thought I’d share some tips that might help.

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6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring:

1. Layer your welcome mat on top of a patterned accent rug.

I found this rug on sale for $17 last week and just had to have it because I love how it’ll go with everything year-round (stickin’ this one in the decor capsule). If you’re worried about dirt, spray it with Scotchgard first for protection.

I used our old faithful welcome mat (similar), but I still keep meaning to get one of these cheeky ones.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

2. Spray paint your old planters for a new look.

I’ll share the tutorial on this one hopefully next week (or you can see videos of it on my Instagram Story highlights). I wanted some new planters for this year, but I didn’t really want to spend the money, so spray paint to the rescue! Works every time.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

3. Use a couple of statement plants to add “life”.

Promise not to judge me? Those two little boxwood trees are totally plastic ones I got at IKEA two years ago, but you can get the updated version of them here. You really can’t even tell in person that they’re not the real deal. I always like having ferns on our porch too because they’re low maintenance.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

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4. Sweep and remove cobwebs.

I should have taken a before shot of all of the leaves and dirt and cobwebs hanging out on our little stoop before I took a broom to it because it was just sad.

Our white limewashed porch shows eeeeeevvvverrryyyyythiiiiing, so I keep thinking maybe I should paint white porch floor a dark gray instead . Next on the list for us is removing the moss from our steps.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

5. Change up your lighting. 

We swapped out the old lights last year for new outdoor sconces and they’ve really helped modernize this spot a bit. Our exact ones aren’t sold anymore (big fat bummer!) but you can find some similar ones I really like here or you could try these as another option too!

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

6. Add a floral wreath.

Captain Obvious over here. 😉 Now that I’ve learned how to make a wreath from scratch, I think I might be ruined from ever buying store-bought wreaths again.

6 Ways to Refresh Your Front Porch for Spring | Tips for sprucing up your front porch to bring it out of winter's hibernation mode and wake it up for spring. #springporch #frontporch #porchstoop #porchdecor #porchdecorating

If you want to know about any of the decor I used, you can find it all here:

We have so many plans for our home’s exterior this year and hope to tackle a few much needed landscaping projects, but we’re getting there slowly and steadily.

Have any others to add to the list that you use to help freshen up your porch? Next on our outdoor list is waking up our back porch that is still in winter hibernation mode.

You can check out all of the porches and entryways set up for spring on the rest of the tour here:

The Happy Housie // Lolly Jane // Blesser House // Modern Glam

A Pretty Life // Southern State of Mind // Taryn Whiteaker Designs // Zevy Joy

My Sweet Savannah // Life is a Party // Amber Tysl // Hallstrom Home


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  1. I love it Lauren! Such simple and thrifty tips for a beautiful porch – your wreath looks amazing on your door!