Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign

We have no excuse now. Our anniversary date is now on our living room wall.

The other day, Robert and I were actually having a conversation and, together, we completely blanked out on our anniversary date.

In a matter of 5 years, Robert finished his time in the Marines, we both graduated from college, started dating, got engaged, got married, started two new careers, had a baby, moved three times, and built a house. That’s a whole lotta life changes crammed into a short time frame. It’s no wonder the years are starting to run together.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

Since our gallery wall had one little blank space at the very top I’d been eager to fill, our anniversary date seemed like the perfect finishing touch.

Best of all, it cost me all of $4. Love it when that happens! Craft supply leftovers come to the rescue again.

If you ever get the urge to whip up a faux driftwood anniversary sign for yourself, here’s how I made ours: (Affiliate links are provided below and noted by asteriks.)

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

I happened to have almost an entire quart of this weathered gray stain leftover from our oversized antique map, and it was just begging to get used.

Over the past year from making our faux fireplace, window moldings, and bathroom plank wall, we’ve accumulated a nice little scrap wood pile too. (Our garage is a mad house, y’all. Not even sugar coating it.)

I pulled out the perfect sized pine plank and then…

beat the thing to a pulp!

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

I used both sides of a hammer and chain to rough up that wood. If you ever feel stressed out, go smack a piece of wood with some tools. You’ll feel better.

I already had a quart of this wood conditioner from our hallway hook rack, so I had nothing to lose really.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

I just followed the instructions on the back of the can to condition the wood. I think it really helped a lot to make the next step nice and even. After I swiped on the weathered gray stain and wiped it away one minute later, I had this gorgeous finish.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

For not being real driftwood, I’m pretty convinced with this stuff.

The only supply I had to buy for this project was a stencil set from the craft aisle of Walmart. (Cuz that’s where all the cool kids get their emergency craft supplies, ya know. I’m the chick dancing in the aisle singing this song.)

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

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I wanted to save the stencils to use in the future, so I traced them with pencil instead of directly painting the numbers onto the wood. I taped them down before I traced.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

My artistically-challenged self managed to fill in the numbers with white craft paint.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

When the paint was dry, I gave the entire sign a once over with sand paper to fade the numbers, added the sawtooth hangers on the back, and that was it! So simple. And way cheap.

It looks right at home on our gallery wall now.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

Robert is really excited that there’s less of a chance he’ll be in the “doghouse” now that we have an anniversary reminder on the wall. Truth be told, I usually need the reminder more than he does.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

If you read yesterday’s post about how to discover your decor style, this wall was that “ah ha” moment for me. When we put up all of these photos in these thrifted, painted frames, something clicked.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

These frames have already been up a year, and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking at the pictures from some of our favorite moments from the past 5 years. Even though it’s been so fast-paced, it’s been a fun rollercoaster ride.

I wouldn’t trade it for anything, and trusting God through all of the ups and downs this far in our marriage makes me trust Him even more, no matter what is thrown our way in the future.

Anniversary Date Driftwood Sign | Bless'er House

This wall is that constant reminder of everything that’s most important to us, and it seems appropriate that it’s displayed in the very center of our house.

5 years ago, when my best friend asked me to marry him, I never could have imagined our life like it is now. I couldn’t have planned it better myself. Good thing I’m not the one in charge of the big plan.

This week, I’m heading to the Haven Conference in Atlanta to meet up with so many of the talented home/DIY bloggers from around the world. If you’re a Haven Maven, I cannot wait to see you!

Next week, I’ll be sharing two projects that I’m so ecstatic about along with all of the Haven deets. Until then, be sure to follow me on Instagram for all kinds of fun shenanigans.



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  1. I have a strip of chalkboard board just the right size. I am doing this for our anniversary this Friday. Sadly I have memory problems but my hubby will know I’m remembering it on a sign. I’m excited for tomorrow for I don’t leave home to shop. Thank you sooo much for the post today. I’m getting the wood out now secretly. So I won’t forget!!!!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! It was the perfect finishing touch for our wall. Only took me a year to figure out what to do with that blank space. 😉 Haha!

  2. I’ve been thinking of doing something very similar in our house for the same reason – It’s only been two years and my husband & I forget our what our actual anniversary is ALL.THE.TIME. In fact, he wished it to me a day early this year.

    Part of our problem is that we didn’t have an actual wedding where we had a date we were constantly focused on for months ahead of time. We were engaged, had recently bought a house and couldn’t wrap our head around the cost and stress of planning a wedding on top of that, and we wanted to start the timeline to adopt from foster care (in our state its married one year to start the process, married two years to actually adopt) so on a completely random Monday we decided to just go get married! And since it was too late to get married at the court house, we went to the detention center!!! (we figured it made for a funnier story anyway!) Its easy to remember the day but hard to remember the DATE! lol

    1. Haha! At least he was a day early and not a day late. That could have been bad. 😉 I remember in the middle of the wedding planning process wishing we’d just gotten hitched at the courthouse. So much drama! No matter how it’s done, the marriage matters 1000 times more than the wedding day. Your story is SO awesome! And definitely a funny story! That’s so admirable of you guys to adopt. We need more people like you in the world, Michelle.

  3. Hey Lauren,
    Love the addition to your gallery wall!! What a great idea! Your gallery wall has always been my favorite out of all the ones there are on Pinterest (and I’m not just saying that!) and this addition just completes the look. I love the frames, the layout, the S’s and especially the pictures! Our home has a two story entryway and that’s where our stairwell is, as well. We are having it painted in a couple weeks and then I am going to use your techniques to do our gallery wall. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. That’s quite a compliment, Lanita! Thank you! There are so many out there. I hope you’ll share yours when you get it finished. I’d love to see it!