How to Organize a Bathroom Vanity in 6 Quick Steps

The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy.

It’s been a weird week, y’all.

In the past few days, I had a massive fail on a little craft project, Regan has been waking up every hour at night, our last wall decorating project for the master bathroom is taking way longer than I planned, a table I ordered for our breakfast nook ended up being the wrong measurements, and relentless rain has meant I can’t photograph any of it anyway.

Boo to the hoo!

BUT (don’t you always love when there’s a “but” in spite of things going wrong?) I tackled a crazy organization project that I’ve been dying to do for over a year!

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

Since we’ve been full steam ahead on the master bathroom anyway, I finally decided to deal with the out-of-control clutter hiding in our bathroom vanity drawers and cabinets.

I really don’t share organization projects enough with y’all, but I hope this one helps if you have a similar explosion of bathroom chaos.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

Our freshly painted vanity is finally pretty on the outside, but it held a really ugly secret.

Dun dun dun…

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

Ughhhhhh so bad! And so embarrassing! But you won’t judge us, right?

It’s amazing how exponentially worse this vanity got after Regan was born a few months ago.

If you ever need advice on tackling your own bathroom vanity, here’s the key…

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1. Take everything out. EVERYTHING!

Don’t try to work around things and just remove the items you want to toss. Sprawl every bottle, hairbrush, and curling iron stuffed into that vanity on your countertop.

2. Sort.

Throw away items you haven’t used in at least 6 months. If you haven’t used them lately, chances are you never will (and if it’s makeup, it’s probably expired anyway). Then, place items into piles based on how you’d like to separate them into cabinets and drawers.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

3. Vacuum drawers.

A must! Especially if you have makeup residue and spills. You can just use a handheld vacuum to knock it out in a few seconds.

4. Cut and place contact paper in the bottom.

We had this old contact paper in the bottom of our cabinets that was probably 20+ years old. I ripped it out, cleaned up the gross bottom, and replaced it with this clean, white contact paper that had a pretty wood grain.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

Soooo much better.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

5. Place vertical storage in cabinets.

For under our sinks, I found these wire stackable basket drawers so that we could utilize more vertical space for holding hair styling tools and cleaning supplies.

6. Place drawer organizers.

I picked up these clear drawer organizers on Amazon, but I’ve even used little baskets from the dollar store in the past.

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So now everything has a “home” in our vanity.

My side of the vanity now looks like this:

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

And my hair dryer, curling irons, and straightener are all corralled into these drawers along with my makeup bag and manicure bag.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

And since Robert has exponentially fewer grooming items (ha… imagine that), I stored the bathroom cleaning supplies on his side.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

The top drawer holds some of our shared items like toothpaste, floss, etc.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

The next drawer is mine to hold all of my hair care and skin care items.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

The third drawer is Robert’s for all of his shaving supplies and the like.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

And I used the bottom drawer for holding extras and our travel toiletry bags that we can grab whenever we’re packing for trips.

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

I feel like I can breathe again! And getting ready is so much faster now because I can actually find things!

Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

Now that THAT job is behind me, I’m really hoping to finally have this bathroom 100% finished once wall decor is up this weekend. Ahhhhh! Stoked!

If you want more organization help to get a jump start on spring cleaning, you can see all of my past organizing adventures here.

Are y’all going stir crazy with snow/ice/rain right now and starting to organize to pass the days until spring? If it keeps up, the rest of our house might actually get organized too. 😉

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Bathroom Vanity Organization | The must-do steps to thoroughly organize your bathroom drawers and cabinets and the best tools to keep them looking tidy. #bathroomorganization #bathroomdrawer #bathroomcabinet #bathroomvanityorganization #bathroomorganizing

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  1. Love! Love! Love! I needed this, it’s as if you were reading my mind. You did an awesome job. Now, I do have one question, where did you find your beautiful mirrors? Love the whole bathroom renovation!

    1. It’s one of those things you put off for so long, and once it’s done, you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. That’s how I’ve felt anyway. 🙂

  2. I have 2 big, deep drawers in my vanity, besides a shallow one at the top.
    One I put tall bottles in, plus my hairdryer & basket with hair products.
    But the other one is a mess because things are stacked on top of each other & I have to lift stuff up to get to what I want sometimes. Do they make something to help that? Or to you have a suggestion? I do have some things in small baskets.

      1. I got clear plastic compartment organizers at TJ Maxx. I check there often and collect then as needed. They look nice. I can put pretty liners in them if I want to.

    1. I bought 4 thinking I’d use 1 set per drawer, but I ended up doubling up in my drawer because I had SO many small pieces to compartmentalize. 2 sets fit one 16″x15″ drawer. For the drawers I only used one set in though, it still left just enough room for larger items in the drawer itself like for hair brushes and larger bottles.

    1. It was a must! The bottoms of those drawers were super gross. And it was way faster and less messy than paint. 🙂