DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood

How to make your own cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

We’re big fans of leftovers at our house… be it paint, project scraps, or last night’s dinner. (Yay for no cooking!)

One thing we never have a shortage of around here is scrap wood. Whether it’s a dining table top, window trim, or built-ins, the scrap stockpile tends to grow, and we hate to see it all go to waste.

This time around, we had some leftover butcher block from a countertop project we’re doing. (It’s from a secret renovation that I’m sharing all about later this week, and it’s SO good I can’t stand it!!!)

But this piece of wood was too good to toss. So we decided to whip up a few DIY cutting boards, which is great for repurposing all kinds of wood you might already have in your stash.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

I’m sharing it alongside some blogger friends for a Back to Basics Blog Hop.

If you’ve ever been intimidated by power tools or wanted some good beginner-level DIY project ideas, this series has so many good ones to help you learn. (There are more basic projects you can try at the end of this post.)

If you’re visiting from Jenna at Rain on a Tin Roof, welcome!!

Back to Basics DIY Ideas

If you have some good scrap wood lying around or you happen to stumble upon some leftover butcher block at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, here’s how to get some use out of it.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood

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Supplies Used:

  • Scrap wood (Make sure to choose a hardwood for this project like maple, pecan, walnut, teak, or cherry.)
  • Circular saw
  • Jigsaw (optional – if you’re on a more intermediate DIY level and want to test your skills)
  • Sandpaper sheets in medium, fine, and ultra fine grits (this variety pack has them all)
  • Mouse/palm sander with sanding pads (optional – you don’t have to have one, but it makes the process go faster than sanding by hand)
  • Mineral oil and clean, dry rag (You can find it at any pharmacy.)
  • A template cut in the shape you want for your board (You can draw and cut one out with poster board or card board or even use a cutting board you already have to replicate it.)

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

The Steps:

1. Trace your template onto your wood scrap with a pencil first.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

2. Then cut with your circular saw on the lines you just drew. (We used only this saw for several years before ever investing in another saw. If you’re just starting out with home improvement projects, this one is good for beginners… nothing fancy. Just straight lines.)

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

3. If you want to add a handle or round the corners on your cutting board, guide a jigsaw along your pencil lines.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

4. Then sand, sand, sand until your board is super smooth. Start with using your medium grit sandpaper first, then fine grit, and ultra fine grit to make your wood feel like butt-ah.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

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5. Brush away the sanding dust (or use a tack cloth if you prefer) and apply mineral oil liberally with a dry rag. You’ll see the wood change color as the oil soaks into the wood so it appears deeper and the grain variation looks more pronounced.

Whatever you do, don’t apply stain or polyurethane since neither of those are food safe. Mineral oil is safe to come in contact with food you’ll cut on the wood surface.

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

Then enjoy!

I loooooove throwing together charcuterie boards in the spring and summer when we tend to entertain a lot (that’s what happens when you have a pool in your backyard), so I’m stoked to use these as we have friends over. Yummy snackage!

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

By the way, if you ever need to put together a rockstar charcuterie board, throw in at least 1 of each category, and you’ve got a crowd pleaser:

  • Sharp cheese
  • Mild cheese
  • Cured meat
  • Crackers (or pretzels, pita chips, etc.)
  • Fruit (grapes, blackberries, and strawberries are great)
  • Nuts (have fun with flavors like wasabi cashews or BBQ spiced peanuts)
  • Olives
  • Mustard
  • Honey

It’s the perfect balance of savory, salty, sweet, spicy, tangy, chewy, and crunchy so everyone’s happy, and it’s totally addictive.

Woah! What happened? I forgot this wasn’t a food blog. My bad. 😉 (Wannabe, non-chef over here.)

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

If you want more basic DIY ideas, you can see all of the rest of them in the hop here (apparently more than one of us had charcuterie on the brain):

Flatware Chest Makeover from Rain on a Tin Roof

DIY Charcuterie Board from House by Hoff

DIY Crock or Pottery from Thrift Store Canisters from So Much Better with Age

DIY Wood Planter from The Turquoise Home

Coffee Table to Bench Makeover from The Happy Housie

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood from Bless’er House

If you want to save this post for later, you can pin it here:

DIY Cutting Boards from Scrap Wood | How to make your own basic DIY cutting boards using scrap wood you already have in your stash to repurpose in your kitchen or give away as homemade gifts.

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  1. P.S.S. Me again Lauren, lol. I forgot to say, your website has been doing this ever since I’ve been following you but I’ve forgotten how long that’s been? I just know that there’s not this issue on other blogs and thought you might want to know once I figured out it was unique to just your site. I’m new to following blogs and such so I’m learning as I go. Like I said earlier, I hope this helps. ? oh yeah and I meant when it asks for my email address, not my screen name. Gosh I’m so old! Lol!

  2. Wow Lauren! Those cutting boards look great! So easy and straight forward too! I’ll never buy another cutting board again! Thanks for all the info. Have a great evening! ?.
    P.S. not sure if you’re aware of this but I thought I’d let you know in case you’re not getting the amount of comments you should be. It could be a glitch on your website. I’m using an iPad so not sure if it does this on everyone’s pc, tablet or what…but after I’ve commented it won’t let me type in my screen name until I hit the keyboard down button to make the keyboard disappear. Then I have to hit that same button again to be able to scoot down to type in my name. The first time this happened I thought maybe you weren’t taking anymore comments or had just blocked me or something, until I decided to try the keyboard down button. Some people may be pc illiterate like me and not know to do this. Especially us baby boomers haha! Just thought you might want to know this. Hope it helps! ?

  3. Hmmm, I think these would make GREAT Mother’s Day gifts. I’ll bet your mother-in-law would agree with me. 😉 Love you both!