How to Organize a Craft Closet

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This post is brought to you by this song. And I might just be over here booty shakin’ to it. HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, JUNK CLOSET?!

The Closet Before:

I’m just a teensy bit excited that the once cluttered closet in our playroom no longer looks like this.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Ew. Make it stop!

This was pretty much the I-have-no-idea-what-to-do-with-this-random-object-so-let’s-dump-it-here space. And it was not working for us.

Enter the reset button. (Side note: Don’t you wish reset buttons existed in real life? Along with magic cleaning wands?)

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Enter DIY Shelving:

So we remedied the situation first by putting in some DIY shelves, which you can read all about the tutorial for here.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Spiffing It Up:

And now… the once black hole looks like THIS!

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

If you listen very carefully, you can hear tiny angel voices singing.

I started out at first with a plan to employ my good ol’ diaper box storage trick that I used in my pantry organization. I’d stored 10 leftover diaper boxes for an entire year with this plan in mind.

Only this time, I had the idea to wrap them in rope to make them look like baskets. After wrapping one diaper box only halfway, I realized DIY is not always the answer. Epic fail.

My diaper box hack using rope was going to cost more per box than it would have just to go out and buy bins and baskets from Walmart. And I wouldn’t be spending hours with a hot glue gun permanently attached to my hand. Sold! Sometimes it’s better just to spend the money than waste that much precious time.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

So I skipped off to Wally World to pick up some galvanized metal bins and wooden crates for around $12 each. (It looks like they’re currently sold out online, but you can find similar ones here and here.)

I shopped all over the place and these were the cheapest and sturdiest (and prettiest) I could find.

I wanted to utilize the door for all of the office supply type items too. I used this over-the-door shoe organizer trick to stash all of my school supplies during my teaching days in my classroom. It is so nice to have every little thing in plain sight.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

I made those cute vintage label tags using PicMonkey along with this freebie from The CoffeeShop Blog. Yay free!

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

And, of course, I had to throw in my driftwood grain sack step stool for good measure. I swear, I need 3 more of stools. Olivia and I both end up dragging it all over the house to reach things. (Although, she does it really sneakily trying to climb up into the candy cabinet in our kitchen.)

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Since some of the bins and boxes didn’t already have chalkboard labels, I added my own that I got on Amazon.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

And last year, I bought these file boxes and magazine holders from Target in my feeble attempt to organize my growing craft clutter.

I found the gray paper boxes there too, but they’ve since been discontinued. And I scooped up the two small wire baskets at in the Target Dollar Spot for $3 each just before Christmas.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Eventually, I plan to put labeled binders in a crate on the floor underneath all of the shelves too to help me organize paperwork and blog-related resources. For now, some of my photography gear is hanging out down there.

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

So now that this space is spick and span, I hope it will inspire lots more craft time around here! The fact that this closet is in our playroom is an added bonus. I hope to eventually tackle this very blank space by the end of this year because currently, it looks like this:

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Womp womp.

It has soooo much potential that I hope will eventually be home to a great creation station for Olivia and I (and probably Robert too) to get our craft on together, but the closet is a great start so far. We still have our master bedroom and kitchen makeovers to contend with first.

Maybe if I can stop drooling over the prettiness of it, we might take it for a test drive soon. 😉

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

Anyone want to come over for a craft sesh now? We’re ready!

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

And just because it’s fun to see a side-by-side before and after…

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

It’s amazing how much better I feel after I’ve organized something. Ahh cleansing breath!

Have you jumped on the organization bandwagon yet for your New Year’s resolutions? And maybe have a few organizing tips of your own to share? Now that this is done, I guess it’s time to start that weight loss resolution. Something tells me that one won’t be quite as fun.

To save this post to come back to later, be sure to pin it:

How to Organize a Craft Closet Like a Rockstar |

And you can see last January’s organizing project with my tips for The Most Frugal Way to Organize a Pantry:




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  1. Oh how nice is this craft closet of yours, Lauren! I love all the containers and labels… I don’t have a closet in my office, or any empty closet available….but I wish I did cause I’d totally copy this!!!

  2. That turned out so great Lauren! I agree, sometimes DIY is just not worth it. I love all the solutions you found and how you pulled it together to look cohesive. Don’t you just love labels? I love that you found some on Amazon…I wouldn’t have thought of that. I would have been running all over town. For baskets, I love to buy those wall plate covers…the ones with a hole on each end and solid in the middle. I spray them with black chalk paint and… Instant labels to string through baskets.

    1. You’re so sweet, Nancy! Thanks! I’ve found similar labels in Target and Walmart before too in their scrapbooking aisles I think. That’s a great idea for the wall plate covers!

    1. Thanks girl! I’m sooooo glad this space is done and I can actually find stuff now. That little stool comes in handy all the time. Get one! You need it, trust me. 🙂

  3. You are amazing!!! I have loved following your blog- love your style!! You are very talented and I love your personality!! Your home is beautiful, you continue to amaze me with the vision you have of what to do with different areas in your home!! Thanks for sharing your home with us and “Bless’er-ing” my life with your awesome ideas!!!

  4. Hey Lauren – love your newly organized craft closet!! Makes me wish I had a “free” closet I could turn into a craft closet! I’ve pinned it for future use, in hopes that in our next house I can plan ahead and utilize your great ideas…thanks for sharing!

    1. Yay! Fingers crossed a “free” closet is in your future one day. I guess since this is in our playroom, I technically stole this one from our daughter. 😉 Oops.