Baroque Table Lamp Makeover + Olivia’s Bedroom Progress

I love lamp. That’s the gist of this post. (Anchorman reference, anyone?)  Well, that plus everything else in Olivia’s room right now because this room makeover is trekking right along and it’s cuuuuuuuute!

Before I show you all of the progress in there though, it’s officially Trash to Treasure Tuesday! This pair of lamps was my victim. (If you’re new to this blog, I share a thrift store transformation once per month with a group of blogger friends. You can see my past thrift makeovers here.)

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

Olivia really needed some table lamps in here since we read bedtime stories with her every night, and I found this pair for $5 each at the thrift store the other week that had the sweetest feminine details on them.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

But they were kind of grimy and had seen better days.

They reminded me so much of the Baroque lamps I’d seen at RH Baby and Child though, that I wasn’t willing to give up on them. (Except ya know… the RH Baby and Child ones cost about $200 more per pair. Sheesh.)

Supplies Used: (Some affiliate links are provided below.)

  • Sample size of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey
  • Sample size of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Pure White
  • Annie Sloan Clear Wax
  • Annie Sloan Dark Wax
  • 2 paint brushes (I love using these brushes for pieces with intricate details.)
  • Wax brush
  • Paper towels
  • Clean, dry cotton rags
  • Replacement lamp shades from Walmart

1. I painted both lamps with a base coat of the ASCP Paris Grey first and let dry. (Bad cell phone shots below. Sorry. Ack!)

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

2. Once the base coat was dry, I dry brushed the details with ASCP Pure White. If you don’t know what dry brushing is, it’s just where I dipped the very tip of my paint brush into the white paint, brushed off the excess paint on a paper towel until it felt dry, and brushed the lamp to barely leave some white paint on the raised design.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

The lamp on the right is dry brushed; the lamp on the left is not. See the difference? The details stand out so much better when they’re dry brushed.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

3. After I was happy with the amount of white showing on the details, I rubbed a little of the ASCP clear wax all over the lamps and buffed off the excess with a dry rag.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

4. I repeated the waxing process again with the ASCP Dark Wax. (Use clear wax before using dark wax if you want just a slight aging effect. Use only dark wax without the clear wax, if you want your piece much darker.)

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

5. I attached the harps back on with a couple of inexpensive white shades from Walmart, and they were done!

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

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Still waaaaay cheaper than the RH Baby and Child Baroque lamps I’d had my eye on.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

I stuck this little butterfly terrarium beside it too that I made using a thrifted dome clock for last month’s Trash to Treasure Tuesday.

And Robert and I decided to give Olivia our nightstands from our room that I painted last year since the feminine details on them seemed too perfect for us to keep to ourselves. (So now we’re on the lookout for replacements.)

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

Robert put together this canopy bed last week too, and we celebrated with Olivia by hanging sheets and blankets all over it to make it into a fort over the weekend. Blanket forts are one of her favorite things.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

Here’s how this room looked 3 weeks ago. We’ve been busy!

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

We put down this rug to make the hardwood floors in here more cozy too, and we hung up this beaded semi-flush light fixture that was the perfect compromise for our 8 foot ceilings.

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

You can see all of the sources we’ve used so far here:

Fingers crossed that the other side of the room gets more put together soon.

You can check out the rest of this month’s Trash to Treasure transformations here too:

A thrifted table lamp gets a French Baroque designer inspired makeover using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Paris Grey, Pure White, clear wax, and dark wax. #thriftdecor #thrifted #thrifting #thriftmakeover #lamp #bedroom #girlbedroom #littlegirlbedroom #frenchdecor #femininedecor #designerknockoff #designerdecor

Clockwise from top left:

Prodigal Pieces | Confessions of a Serial DIYer | Girl in the Garage | Artsy Chicks Rule

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  1. You could have gone with burlap shades and still been ahead! The lamps look fabulous in there, along with the nightstands. Olivia is getting such a grown-up room, the details are beautiful.

  2. Now, THAT is a makeover! Wow. I love everything about it. One thing though, you didn’t tell us where you found those to-die-for pillows! I NEED those!

    1. Thanks, Linda! The pillows are from HomeGoods. I WISH I could find a source for them online, but no luck. Isn’t that always the downer of HomeGoods? Awesome stuff but can never find anything like it again.

  3. Such a beautiful new look for those dated lamps, Lauren. The dry brushing and dark wax really make them look vintage French! Olivia’s room is looking so “big girl” now – I loved her ballerina bedroom at the old house, but this style will last for many years I’m sure.