The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture

I love me a massive before and after that took days upon weeks to create. (Like that time we painted our kitchen cabinets or sanded concrete countertops ’til we were blue in the face… the process was rough but man the feeling afterward was awesome seeing all of the labor pay off.)

But there are days I look around some of the rooms still to be tackled in this house, and I wish I had a magic wand just for a day. Bippity boppity boo- poof! New light fixture!

The latest bathroom makeover project at least felt like magic, even if I do still have to be a muggle.

The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

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I debated even writing a post about this one because it’s almost too simple. But simple is pretty daggum fab!

Back when I was making plans for Olivia’s bathroom (which also doubles as a guest bath), I really toyed with the idea of removing all of our faucets and light fixtures in this room to spray paint an antique brass and then put them right back.

But we realized it was going to be a lot of trouble, and the whole point of this room makeover was to beautify it for as little moolah and as little effort as we could. The faucets and light fixture were already in great shape, so I decided why bother?

The only thing that made the vanity light in this space look a tad dated were the frosted shades really, so I searched all over Amazon, Home Depot, and Lowe’s until I found these simple clear seeded glass replacement shades in the Lowe’s aisle last week. They’re actually the same shades we used in the Lowe’s bathroom makeover this past spring.

The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

I unscrewed the frosted ones, replaced them with the seeded glass, and swapped out the regular bulbs for these LED Edison style ones.

I’m AMAZED how that one little switch made all the difference, and the light is so much brighter in here now when it felt so dim and dingy before.

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The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

I’ve been putting the finishing touches on the newly painted cabinets in here this week too that I’ll be sharing more of soon.

The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

So far, here’s where we are on the ol’ to do list:

Woot! The hard part’s over really. As for the floors, we’re keeping those simple too with just a good cleaning, freshening up the grout, and adding a pretty bath mat. I debated painting those too, but I’m totally cool with avoiding paint fumes for quite a while after we had to be kicked out for a couple of consecutive weekends while the sink/tub paint smell went away. Ya know… all that loveliness that comes with DIY.

Totally worth it though, even if a magic wand would probably be easier.

Have you done any great light fixture refreshes in the past? Have any tricks of your own for jazzing them up on the cheap? Feel free to link your own projects if you have them. 🙂

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The Easiest Way to Refresh a Light Fixture | - One simple way to refresh a bathroom vanity light fixture inexpensively and in under 5 minutes without any electrical work. #lightfixture #simplediy

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  1. I love the clear glass! I’ve been searching the web for ways to get frosted glass clear again & I think you hit the nail on the head! I’m heading over to Lowe’s to check out their lighting department! Thanks! 🙂

  2. While those Edison bulbs look great, do you find their horrible yellow light awful?? Especially in a bathroom? Or did the clear glass domes significantly improve their brightness? I’ve tried them in various places in our home and just can’t get use to that orangey yellow glow. Perhaps they’ve improved those bulbs since they first came out. I’ll have to check out the bulb aisle on my next Home Depot run. I’m just wondering if one just gets use to them?
    I do love the simple & inexpensive fix that you shared.

    1. These are the soft white Edison bulbs. I linked to the ones we use. I steer clear of the vintage amber ones because that yellow drives me crazy too.

    2. There are two kinds of Edison bulbs, the amber colored ones and the soft white. I use the soft white because they’re still bright and clear. The yellowy light from the amber ones drive me crazy too. My favorites are the Kichler brand Edison bulbs in soft white at Lowe’s. I linked to them, if that helps. 🙂

  3. Love to read your blog! You always have extremely helpful ways to simplify the process and turn it into a classy room. Please let me know the name/brand of the wall color paint? It’s a gorgeous, rich look. It seems to work very well with the room and I’m hoping to paint my powder room a rich color such as this. My only concern for painting my powder room this rich color is that it is without a window. Does this room have a window? Thanks in advance for the paint color/brand!

    1. It’s by Magnolia Home paints – Joanna Gaines line. Color she said was called ‘Weekend’…?